All Topics

Personal Growth

Notes and explorations related to Personal Growth.

  • How to have great taste

    Taste is what differentiates the good from the great. So, how can I have better taste? This is my ongoing log of what I have learned.

  • How do you invent the future?

    Innovation happens by combining things we can see and touch today in novel ways. So how can we have more things to see and touch?

  • How to be better at making decisions

    What can I do before, during, and after making decisions to be better at making them?

  • How I tend to my digital garden

    My quests with this digital garden are to publish more and to have fun. Let's explore why I even have a digital garden and how it's going.

  • David Cain: Do Quests, Not Goals

    I love this reframing from "goal" to "quest": "goals" feel like pressure, "quests" feel like excitement and adventure!

  • How to ship faster

    Humans have the ability to get ambitious things done ridiculously fast. How can I get more things done quickly?