The below is my 1:1 template, which I adapted from my learnings from [Sue Odio](, who taught me to flow from the small to the big: 1. Direct report personally 2. Direct report at work 3. Our managerial relationship 4. The team 5. The company See [[How I think about 1-on-1s]] for reference on why my 1:1s look this way; importantly, I do not try to go through *all* these questions in every 1:1, but instead, I use them as prompts to discover interesting discussion topics with my direct reports. # Template - What’s top-of-mind for you? --- - How are you feeling? - How are you doing (outside of work)? - What are you excited about in life right now? --- - How do you feel about the value that you bring to the company? - What are you spending your time on that depletes your energy? - What are you spending your time on that is energizing? --- - Are you getting enough feedback from me? - What can I do to better support you & be a partner to you? --- - How are you feeling about the team? - What can we do to improve our team dynamic? - Anything you long for, for our team? --- - How are you feeling about the company? - Do you have clarity on our Vision/Mission/Values? - Do you have clarity on our strategy? --- - How content do you feel at work? 😢 😐 🙂 😄 🤩